Booster clubs do important work for high schools, colleges and universities, sports teams, associated clubs and other organizations. Typically these clubs are organized and operated by volunteers — whether that be students’ parents or community supporters of sports clubs. Formed to help raise funds in support of these groups and schools, booster clubs are an excellent resource for groups in need of classroom supplies, sports equipment and more. Apex Leadership Co. offers suggestions for these clubs to maximize their fundraising efforts and help support these groups with the supplies and equipment they need.

Club fundraising is typically led by parents and supporters that likely have jobs or other family obligations, so it’s important to realize that volunteer help is a key component to a successful booster club fundraiser — and volunteers may have limited resources in terms of time. The more the merrier is very true in the case of a booster club because this ensures that there are plenty of helpers to spread the load of the work to multiple people. When signing up to participate in a booster club, members should be aware of what is expected of them in terms of volunteer time or financial obligations. If booster fundraising is part of the package, volunteers should take this responsibility seriously, as it can be a crucial element when it comes to maximizing funds for the group.

There are endless fundraising ideas for clubs. Boosters for clubs and sports teams can create merchandise such as hats, t-shirts, vehicle magnets, stickers, patches and keychains (the list goes on!) so supporters can showcase their love and appreciation for the team for all to see. While these sales can sometimes seem like small potatoes, in the case of a large fan group, funds can really add up. Depending on the merchandise and the way sales are generated, this can be an ongoing effort. For example, a simple website can be automated to accept orders and payment; however, volunteers will be needed to ensure purchasers’ orders are packaged and shipped or delivered. Another great way to push merchandise is with a vendor stand at games or tournaments. Once again, volunteers will be needed to set up, stock supply and take orders. However, this is yet another way to get in front of a large crowd of team supporters without a huge amount of effort.

Naturally, Apex Leadership Co offers an array of booster club fundraising ideas via their suite of programs. Each program is a little different and geared toward various age groups. An Anython is a very successful booster club fundraiser because it can be modified for sports teams, college or university students, or any other group. For example, a basketball team trying to raise funds might do a Hoops-a-Thon, pledging to shoot a certain number of baskets for each $1 (or $2 or $3) donation, while a student-led community group might choose a Random Acts of Kindness-a-Thon during which they raise pledges based on how many random acts of kindness they can perform for their friends, neighbors and community members. Anython is one of Apex Leadership Co’s programs that is ideal for groups and clubs of any age. Through the website, hosts can create their own “Thon,” create a date of the event, select a fundraising goal amount, add a video about the group, and the details about the “thon.”

Happy children playing tug of war and having fun

An Anython event requires very little volunteer involvement. Beyond some simple creation of the event itself (most Thons include a quick video that helps donors learn about the event including who it will benefit, the goal of the fundraiser, and what the funds raised will be used for), the Thon then runs itself. Booster club members and students or group/team members alike can all play an important role in the Thon by spreading news of the event through social media platforms, or emailing or texting friends and family to maximize donor support.

With an easy-to-manage format like Anython, booster clubs can easily help their teams or schools raise money without the hassle (and cost) of putting on a big fundraising event such as a carnival that requires a lot of moving parts and a lot of volunteers (and a lot of their time!). After the Anython pledges are made, the group will perform their acts, results are tallied and entered online to generate amounts that donors owe, then sponsors are automatically charged based on the results. How easy is that?

Another idea for a booster club fundraiser is to put something outrageous on the line. For example, when trying to raise a lot of money, the captain of a team can vow to shave off his beloved beard or the head of a university can promise to sleep on the roof of the student union for a certain number of nights if the fundraising goal is met. This puts skin in the game for everyone — students and team members will want to see their leaders in a funny situation and will want to work harder to get out and fundraise. For booster club leaders and members, this is a fun way to spread the news of the fundraiser throughout the community as well, bringing a lot of buzz to the event… and ensuring that the fundraising goal is met! Depending on what’s on the line, the media could even get involved to cover this event — an easy way to widely spread the news of the fundraiser throughout a city.

It’s important to consider the crowd when it comes to a booster club fundraiser — and how to reach that crowd. For students, connecting through social media platforms is the way to go. For older generations, an email with a direct link is likely the most efficient and convenient format. Regardless of the supporters, understanding the most direct when to reach them is key in successful fundraising for booster clubs. It’s also a good idea to create a definitive monetary goal — and define that goal for supporters. For example, when aiming to raise money make the specific monetary goal known, and let donors know what their financial support will provide for the club or team. This is helpful when it comes to giving supporters more motivation to donate.

Regardless of the type of fundraiser a booster club chooses, getting the word out will help ensure more support. This is another reason that Apex Leadership Co’s fundraising format is so successful. Through web-based programs, support is no longer limited to neighbors, nearby family members and the community. The Apex programs’ reach are limitless — which equates to helping groups maximize the funds they are able to raise!