Believe it or not “back to school” has already begun for some schools around the country and for others, the first day of school is just around the corner. And that means it’s time for PTOs/PTAs and school administration to start thinking about their school fundraisers! Apex Leadership Co. understands the ins and outs of running a highly successful and profitable fundraiser and offers the following tips to help schools maximize their school fundraising efforts:
Start Early — The most effective fundraising campaigns are the ones that have been properly planned and executed. Early planning with adequate lead time is a key strategy in the success of an Apex school fundraiser. (So, call today! Hint, hint!) The great thing about an Apex Fundraiser is the timeline is already built into the program, ensuring very little stress and effort for teachers, administration and parents. Planning out a fundraiser in advance also ensures plenty of time for the school to promote the event on campus and within the community.
Communicate Often and in Many Ways — An important part of promoting an Apex fundraiser is, of course, making sure people know when it is, what it’s for, and how they can support it! But it’s vital to remember that everyone has their own preferred method of communication. While getting the message out there clearly and early, it’s also important to communicate in a number of ways to ensure that most everyone does indeed “get the message.”
At the beginning of the school year, PTOs can consider including in their initial forms for families a questionnaire that includes how parents/guardians wish to be contacted — such as a phone call, email, text or via a flyer sent home with their student. This simple tactic is positively vital to ensuring that everyone receives important information in the way they are most likely to see it and respond to it. (… Which is also essential when it comes time to seeking volunteers!)
Expand the Outreach — Parents, guardians, grandparents and the like are generally always great supporters of school fundraisers. But why stop there? With the web-based format of an Apex Leadership Co. program, people all over the country can step up to support the school’s fundraiser! Students can safely maximize their fundraising efforts, without going door to door, through the online format that allows donors to pledge their commitments entirely online.
Go Viral — Have fun with it! Apex Leadership Co.’s programs, and their team members, are all about fun, energy, leadership lessons and enthusiasm designed to help students get the most out of the fundraising experience — to not only raise funds for their school but to have fun doing it and to learn some important life skills along the way. Schools might consider putting together a fun video about their fundraiser that they can use to promote the fundraiser through social media outlets, for example. Think big!
Get the Kids Excited! — An Apex Fun Run is not just a highly effective fundraising program, it’s a great event designed to get kids excited about leadership and fitness through the two-week program leading up to the actual run. The Apex team members are super-skilled at pumping up the kids in the classroom (and even virtually) and teachers, school administration and parents can help keep kids encouraged, excited and motivated throughout the program too! The more engaged the kids are, the more profitable the fundraiser can be! The sky’s the limit!
Apex Leadership Co. encourages schools and PTOs to reach out today to get started with a fundraising program that’s highly tailored to school-aged kids and designed to maximize funds and fun!