Parenting is not for the faint of heart. It takes a lot of hard work and effort to raise good human beings, and one of the most important characteristics parents can help instill in their children is confidence. Having a solid foundation of confidence from their family, and their own solid self-esteem, can help children go far in so many situations from making the right decision in social situations to later as adults when it comes to having the confidence to make a difference in the world or get through a difficult time in life. But it all starts with that foundation, which parents can help build. Apex Leadership Company shares tips on how to instill confidence in kids.
Let Them “Do it Themselves” — It’s natural for parents to want to do things for their children and help them along the way. There is nothing wrong with that. However, it’s also important for children to understand that their parents believe in them. So, it’s okay to let them try. And it’s okay to let them stumble and even fail. Being there for them as they do so and encouraging them along the way is what will help build that confidence so they will try and try again — until they succeed. Having the ability and the determination to get back up if they get knocked down (literally and figuratively) is a great way to build confidence.
Don’t Push “Perfection” — Parents should encourage their kids to try their hardest and do their best. However, the old adage that “practice makes perfect” can put a lot of unnecessary pressure on a child and could result in lack of self-esteem… especially if they can’t actually achieve that unrealistic expectation of “perfection.” However, don’t undervalue the importance of practicing, which can lead them towards achieving their personal best.
Praise, Praise, Praise — When a child has done a good job, or put forth a good effort, positive recognition from a parent is another great way to build confidence in children. Acknowledging the hard work and improvement a child makes helps them want to work harder and encourages them continue to build their skill sets as they grow. Regardless of whether they fail or succeed (on a test, during a big game, etc.), parents should still let the child know they love them. Feeling loved and valued is a big confidence booster, especially when the chips are down.
Practice What You Preach — The parent that is giving their child so much love and encouragement also needs to look in the mirror — and give that person that same love and encouragement. Children are very much of a product of their environment and their parents — so show them a good example of what positive self-love looks like!
Ultimately, when it comes to building confidence in kids, there is no “right” or “wrong.” Each family should find what works for them as far as boosting confidence and self-esteem in their children. The important part is being consistent about a positive message and ensuring those kids know they are loved!