The new school is just getting off to a start – and for some it’s not even back in session yet. However, it’s never too early to get a head start on ensuring a successful school year with the help of a tutor. If a student is struggling in a particular subject or needs a little extra help with homework in general, enlisting the help of a tutor is a great way to build students’ confidence and help them get the school  year started on the right track. Apex Leadership Company offers the following tips for deciding if and when a tutor is needed and how to find the right tutor for any student.

If a child dreads going to school, claims his teachers are mean or that he doesn’t like a particular subject or school in general, it could be due to the fact that he’s struggling to grasp the concepts. This might be a signal that it’s time for a tutor. A tutor can take the extra time needed to go over subjects at a pace that works for each individual student and really dial in on concerns or questions on any specific topic. This can be a great solution because once a student understands the material, she’ll likely feel more confident in the subject matter — and hopefully begin to enjoy it versus dread it.

It’s important to check in with the child’s teachers at the first sign of struggling or disliking of school or a specific subject to get the teachers’ perspective on how the child is doing in class. For example, is she participating in class discussions or withdrawn? Does he shy away from speaking in front of the class or get flustered when called on to answer a question? If the teacher and parent can get on the same page about what the specific issues might be, the parent can more easily find the right tutor to tackle those specific concerns.

Once the parent and teacher have identified the areas where the student needs help, the school is a great place to start as a resource for that additional help. Some schools may offer afterschool homework clubs that are overseen by a teacher who can help students outside the classroom. The child’s school is also a great resource for recommending independent tutors or agencies that can help in specific areas where the child is struggling.

It’s important when a child is seeing a tutor that parents support the additional help and make sure the child feels comfortable with the tutor. One student may work really well one-on-one with an older peer while another may thrive at agency where he can work in a group with other students his age, for example. There is no “right” or “wrong” when it comes to finding the right tutor for any student. The right tutor is the one that can help the student grasp the concepts in the subject in which they are having a difficult time.

When parents are approaching the subject of a tutor with their child, they may be met with mixed reactions. Some students may find great relief in getting help while others may resist this notion as just more school. Parents can help mitigate their child’s uneasy emotions about a tutor by being open with them about their intent to help and support, and the positive outcomes that a tutor can help provide.